Update: Forbes Article

Elena Sinel, founder of Acorn Aspirations, recently forwarded an article to me. It was written by Tabitha Goldstaub- co-founder of CognitionX (which focuses on AI- I spoke at the CognitionX conference in London earlier this year) and British Tech Entrepreneur- and published in Forbes. The article is mostly about how schools need reform in order to keep up with technology and how (and why) Acorn Aspirations was founded , but there is a small part about my team from the 2 week accelerator back in August. The article asks us about SKai (our idea) and about us as a team- are we undermined because of our age? Why did we choose to work on skin conditions? What are we most excited about in the future? It’s a nice article and features a pretty cringy photo of me and the team which is always a plus.

The article can be found here.

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